The utility work on Dog Lane continues in preparation for the realignment of the street. Dog Lane remains closed to through traffic during the day. Residents and customers of the local businesses may use Dog Lane but should expect delays.
Dog Lane is closed to through traffic during construction. |
The work on the façades of 1 Dog Lane and 9 Dog Lane is progressing. As the work on the upper floors and roof finishes and the new businesses complete their plans, the focus will shift to finishing the storefronts.
Work on the facades continues. |
Two businesses have moved into their new locations: Select Physical Therapy (9 Dog Lane, Suite 108) and Storrs Automotive (11 Dog Lane). While construction in the area continues, they are both accessible and open for business. Look for the signs along Dog Lane to direct you to their new locations.
Select Physical Therapy is now located in Suite 108 of 9 Dog Lane. |
Storrs Automotive's new home, 11 Dog Lane, is located behind 9 Dog Lane. |