The Town of Mansfield recently announced a request for bids for the construction of a 660 space, multi-level parking garage in Storrs Center . Bids will be accepted by the Town of Mansfield, Connecticut, at the Office of the Director of Finance, 4 South Eagleville Road, Mansfield, CT 06268 until 2:00 p.m., Aug 23, 2011, at which time they will be publicly opened and read – visit the Town’s website for the full announcement:
The Town recently awarded the precast contract for the garage to Blakeslee Prestress, Inc. in Branford , CT.
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Work on the first phase – Phase 1A – of Storrs Center continues with the foundations of buildings TS-1, DL-1, and DL-2. (See the post from July 15, 2011 for a concept plan of these buildings).
The structural steel erection will begin next week at TS-1. All of the work will be inside of the construction fence, but residents may notice an increase in truck traffic with the steel deliveries.
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Have questions about Storrs Center or the Mansfield Downtown Partnership? Visit the Partnership’s website for more information, including a comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions.